123 contestants gathered in Changsha on July 4 for a trip to Orange Isle, Yuelu Mountain, and Lunar Lake. Divided into 3 groups, they experienced the charm of Xiao Xiang and Chinese culture.
Get ready.
China, I’m here.
Hello, Changsha
Calligraphy in Orange Isle
Three contestants from France perform Tai Ji in Orange Isle
Chinese bridge, friendship bond
I’m the best!
Contestants from European group listen to the presentation about the history, as they watch the beautiful scenery. Inspired by Chairman Mao’s great aspiration when he analyzed the world situation, they exclaim, ” China, I’m here.”
They visit the Yuelu Moutain.
Beautiful ladies, beautiful scenery.
Happiness beyond description.
We meet in the Chinese Bridge.
Take photos.
We play music.
Chinese bridge is my Chinese dream
Source: Hunan Official Web Portal