Miao Drum Performance in Hunan

The Lunar New Year, also known as Spring Festival in China, is a centuries-old tradition. The age-old festival serves as a strong uniting force, and is also a time for celebrating traditional activities.

In a country with 56 nationalities, people celebrate the Spring festival in many different ways. In a Miao village in Central China’s Hunan province, people there play drums to welcome in the Chinese Lunar New Year. Generally, there are two types of Miao drum performances. One is for celebrating the New Year, and the other for celebrating the deity. Miao people also express their emotions by performing drums on other important days. Miao drum dances have a narrative performing style, which is seen as a unique characteristic. Drum dancing displays the Miao people’s living and working scenes by the way of vivid dance movements.

Source: english.cntv.cn