The first China·Huaihua Spine Grape Festival will be held

Have you ever known the existence of spine grapes? It is a kind of wild grapes and harvested in September.

Spine grape is an important wild plants in South China. The oldest spine grape vine in Huaihua,Hunan has broken the Guinness records with a longevity of 120 years.For spine grape vines, it is not easy to live for 20 years,let alone 120 years.

Spine grapes have various kinds of functions.First of all, they are edible and delicious;secondly, they have medical value for the polyphenolic content and antioxidant activity extracted from wild spine grape trees in winter;thirdly, seed oils can be extracted from spine grape seeds and some wines are made of spine grapes.

On September 15th, the opening ceremony of the first China·Huaihua Spine Grape Festival will be held in Huaihua.Travelers are welcomed to join it.You can taste the spine grapes for free and drink spine grape wines as well as visit the plantation.

Spine grape,the name comes from the spines on its vine.

By Aileen

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