Hunan College Dorm Festival 2011, which lasted over 3 months and involved 18 colleges and universities in 14 cities and prefecture, dropped the curtain on November 19 in Changsha. The representative dorm team from Hunan Mass Media Vocational Technical College won the first place and gained a reward of 10,000 yuan; each team member also got a G3 mobile phone from China (Hunan) Mobile.At the final competition, students from the...Read More
2011 Hunan Agricultural Conference on International Cooperation and Exchange was held in Changsha on the afternoon of October 21. 63 agricultural officials from 15 countries including Nepal conducted face-to-face discussions with representatives from 8 Hunan enterprises including Longping High-tech Co., Ltd.With the acceleration of the opening-up process to the outside world in recent years, 537 Hunan-based enterprises have been entitled to invest in foreign countries with a contracted amount of...Read More
On November 29, 2011, Sangzhi County will host the second session of China Sangzhi Folk Song Festival, and all preparations have been underway. This festival will be divided into 7 parts, including Young Sangzhi, Classical Sangzhi, and Songs and Dances of Sangzhi, and so on. Different from the first session of festival, this one will show four characteristics. Firstly, singers from America and Africa will sing folk songs of Sangzhi....Read More
The provincial government developed its policy of "Developing a cultural economy and building a cultural province" in 1989.In 2001, it came up with a "Developing the culture industry and building a strong cultural province" strategy. Under the 10th Five-Year Plan (2001-2005), it came out with the "Plan on the Culture Industry of Hunan from 2001 to 2010" report.In November 2006, the "Strong cultural province" concept was the force behind its...Read More