Wingsuit King Returned-The First-term Champion Crowned in Tianmenshan

Mr Julien, The first-term champion, won just the 7th last year in Zhangjiajie Tianmenshan. Though he entered into the top four, his ranked the worst. Thus,Noah was regarded as the No.1 hit winner.But to everyone’s surprise, Mr Julien miraculously won the match with the shortest time of 33 seconds. “Oh, my god!” Jeb Corliss, the world championship technical adviser even cried out on TV.

With 14,000 times parachutings and 2,000 times wingsuit flying for 23 years, He won twice. For South African, He succeeded out of no secret. The first time when he won the champion, He was offered a coach at Dubai Parachuting Center. 2 years later, He rewon with knowing what would happened on his life,“No matter what happened, flying is my life, and i will never give it up. Except my first fearful parachuting attempt, I always want to fly on and on since”.

Mr Julien was happily celebrating his victory

Mr Julien with last-term champion Janathan

Mr Julien flew all the way ahead of Janathan in the final compition

Translated by Zumi