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聯繫我們(Contact us):
線上郵箱(On-line Email):sales@zhangjiajietravel.com; 2Zhangjiajietour@gmail.com
線上服務(On-line QQ):QQ345395505 455415132
線上微信(On-line Wechat):Zhangjiajieonine;or 13707445500
線上交流(On-line Skype ):SHUIRE2
線上交流(On-line Facebook ):sales@zhangjiajietravel.com
線上電話(Phone No):(+86) 0744-8362222 8298777
Company:Zhangjiajie-XZL-International Travel Service Co., Ltd
Address:Zhangjiajie City Gaoshengliyuan Building14-23B03