Zhangjiajie Writing & Photographing Contest Attracted Attention from Online

The Writing & Photographing Contest of Zhangjiajie Huanglong Cave Attracted Attention from 150 Thousand People Online.

On 20 December, 2012, the Tour Guide Presentation Writing Contest of the Writing and Photographing Contest of Huanglong Cave, Zhangjiajie, on the theme of “The most beautiful and intoxicating Huanglong Cave of Zhangjiajie in the misty drizzle” came to a 12-day-count-down stage. Then the top 16 beautiful tour guide presentation writing pieces will gain awards from 100 thousand to 5 thousand yuan according to their ranks based on the experts’ comments and the online votes from the public. Totally 800 thousand yuan was invested to this contest and from the last 4 months since the beginning, a lot of attention from the public has been received. Up to 15 o’clock that day, 540 pieces of work from the candidates had been received and the people involved in the online voting hit 159, 227.

Accordingly, this contest began on 1 August, 2012, and will bring to the public the most attractive 20 photos and the most beautiful 16 tour guide presentations. And “the most attractive photos” part lasts for a year and among all the candidates the Top Two will gain the Gold Medal Awards each with awards of 50 thousand yuan and a camera which costs 20 thousand yuan; “the most beautiful guide presentations” part lasts for 5 months and the Top One candidate will acquire the Gold Medal Award of 100 thousand yuan.

Translated by Vincent Chou

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