Zhangjiajie Wulingyuan Presented the First Glass Dangling Road

On August 13rd, Zhangjiajie World Geological Park Museum built the first glass dangling road, Which officially opened to the tourists.

This glass road was located in the entrance of Golden whip stream(Shuiraosimen). The glass museum was adjacent to Zhangjiajie world geological park. Adopting full transparent glass, It had 60 miles in length and 1M wide, Which was apart from 1.5Meters high above water surface.

As early as in early August, The United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization experts assessed Zhangjiajie world geological park, made a special trip to the glass plank road construction and praised the Zhangjiajie world geological park innovation type of supporting public service project, is worth promoting.

As the same time, Zhangjiajie Wulingyuan have added a free experience tour, also conveniently connecting Zhangjiajie world geological park museum with Huangshi village Scenic spots.

Translated by Sophia