Zhangjiajie Yellow Stone Village was loved by Most Backpackers

“Yellow Stone Village is like a beautiful big garden. When walking in the place with humming bird and fragrant flowers, i feel like coming to a wonderland. It is so amazing”, A backpacker from Guangdong left such words on the comments book of Zhangjiajie Yellow Stone Village.

On April 9th, The fragrance flowers in there was really intoxicating. With pink azaleas, purple mangnolias and noble bauhinias blooming one after another, The mountains in Yellow Stone Village were embellished with bright colors.

The staff in there introduced that more than 1,000 backpackers mostly from Shanghai, Chongqi, Guangdong,and Hubei have been received since April. Its beautiful scenery and quiet route surrounding the village was particular favored.

Translated by Zumi